Thurrock SEND PNA

Upshot is working with Thurrock Council and the CCG to capture the needs and lived experience of children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND, so they can shape services more strategically to meet those needs.

We’ve co-produced two very short surveys with service users and professionals and need your help getting word out. Please would you help us to promote it to parents, carers and young people with SEND? The surveys are open until 30th June so time is of the essence. Deeper discussion via phone interviews and focus groups will follow the surveys, via which people can opt in to participate if they wish.

The link below is a flyer for you to use in digital promotions and below is an image and copy for two digital posts.

Any help you can give us would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

Flyer for parents: 20210519_SEND_A4_SURVEY_PARENT_FINAL

Flyer for young people: 20210519_SEND_A4_SURVEY_YOUNG PERSON_FINAL

We also have an easy read version: ISL129 21 survey_final_low res

Below are images and copy for digital communications. If you need anything else please email or call 01273 500722. In the meantime, thanks so much in advance for your support.



What’s it like for you?

Independent researchers Upshot are working with Thurrock’s SEND services to find out how they can improve their offer.
Please spare us 5-minutes to tell us what you need: for parents and carers for young people

Want a large font printed or easy version to complete?
No problem. Call 01273 500722 or email


What’s it like for you?

Independent researchers Upshot are working with Thurrock’s SEND services to find out how they can improve their offer.

Please spare us 5-minutes to tell us what you need: for parents and carers for young people

You can opt-in to discussion groups too if you wish. We have a virtual session and two groups at Grangewaters, with free activities provided for your child.

Want a large font printed version to complete?
No problem. Call 01273 500722 or email